Teaching and Research experience for undergraduates (TREU)

Philadelphia Regional STEM ED Teaching and Research Experience for Undergraduates (TREU)

Interested in Exploring a Career in STEM Teaching?

The Philadelphia Regional STEM Teaching and Research Experiences for Undergraduates (TREU) program, at Temple University, is a 9-week immersive summer experience in secondary science and mathematics education. Nine undergraduate STEM students will be selected to participate in the program.

Apply here!

Deadline to Apply: April 8th, 20250th, 2025

TREU Program Dates: June 9 – August 8, 2025

TREU participants take a course in STEM teaching methods and apply what they learn to teach high school students taking part in Temple University’s STEM-UP Leadership summer program under the supervision of a Temple University faculty mentor.

The TREU program is non-residential; participants will need to provide their own housing. This opportunity is offered as an unpaid internship, however many universities fund external internships through various resources. We encourage all interested students to seek internship funding through their own university.

We seek applicants who have completed at least 9 credits hours in mathematics or science at a 2- or 4-year college. Students from 2 and 4-year colleges and universities in the Greater Philadelphia area are especially encouraged to apply.

For questions please email Ms. Tiffany ElBardissi @ [email protected]

TREU Program components

The TREU program runs for 9 weeks and includes the following:

  • A 3-week intensive training for teaching and conducting research in STEM Education
  • A 6-week practicum in which TREU participants develop and lead STEM courses for local high school students
  • Opportunity to work alongside experienced TU faculty mentors

TREU participants will teach in teams during the practicum, closely mentored by experienced Temple faculty. The coordination and collaboration fostered by this co-teaching model has multiple benefits for participants.