
TEU Summer Program
The Philadelphia Regional Teaching Experiences for Undergraduates (TEU) program is an 9-week immersive summer experience in secondary science and mathematics education in Philadelphia, funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and Temple University.
Stem Teacher Talent
The Coalition consists of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and computer science stakeholders from K-12, higher education, government, and out-of-school time (OST)/community organizations. We will conduct yearlong stakeholder convenings to develop a range of regional cross-sector partnerships and initiatives to address STEM teacher-specific challenges.

Led by a team of researchers and practitioners affiliated with the Philadelphia Regional Institute for STEM Educators, the USTRIVE project seeks to foster STEM knowledge and literacy with close to 3,000 students in grades 7–12 through the use of a socio-transformative constructivism framework using a socio-scientific issues approach.
Philadelphia Regional noyce Partnership Scholarship (PRNP-S)
Through the Noyce Scholarship Program, the PRISE partners have been able to recruit and support over 300 STEM teachers in the Philadelphia area. Our goal is to develop a model of early career teacher support using regional resources that will retain and sustain new STEM teachers.

working Groups
PRISE runs working groups, open to all interested participants, that focus on the following topics:
- New Teacher Support
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- STEM teacher engagement and recruitment.